years of experience

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation: a comprehensive overview

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world. It aims to improve the aesthetic appearance of the breasts by increasing their size, improving their shape or resolving asymmetry. It is a method of breast augmentation using breast implants. This procedure can have a significant impact not only on the appearance of the breasts, but also on a woman’s overall self-confidence. For many, breast augmentation is an opportunity to regain control of their bodies, especially after life events such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or significant weight loss, which can change the shape and size of the breasts.

Types of breast implants

Breast plastic surgery is also related to the types of implants. Each type of implant has specific characteristics that can affect the patient’s overall outcome and comfort. The most commonly used types of implants include:

  • Silicone implants

Silicone breast implants are filled with a thick silicone gel that mimics the consistency of human tissue, ensuring that the breast feels natural to the touch. These implants are popular due to their ability to provide a smooth, even shape and are available in a variety of sizes and profiles. Additionally, they are known for their durability and low likelihood of rippling of the breast surface.

  • Saline-filled implants

Saline-filled implants are an alternative to silicone implants and are filled with a sterile saline solution. Their main advantage is safety in case of leakage, as the saline is safely absorbed by the body without health risks. These implants are inserted into the body empty and are filled only after placement. This allows the surgeon to adjust the size of the implant according to the patient’s needs during surgery. Although they offer a higher degree of customization, they offer a less natural feel than silicone implants. They are also more prone to rippling or visibility under the skin.

  • Fat transfer breast augmentation

Hybrid approaches are sometimes used, where different types of implants are combined or implants are combined with fat grafting techniques. This method achieves a more balanced and natural result, as the fat adds additional softness and can improve the shape around the implant. Hybrid breast augmentation is a new trend in breast augmentation. Hybrid breast augmentation is a new trend in breast augmentation.

Breast size and shape

Voľba veľkosti a tvaru implantátov je kľúčovým aspektom pri plánovaní augmentácie prsníkov. Oba faktory súvisia s osobnými preferenciami pacientky, jej telesnou štruktúrou a estetickými cieľmi.

1. Implant size

The size of the implants is often the first and most important decision patients must make. This choice should take into account not only the desired augmentation effect, but also the proportions of the body. Large implants on a smaller body may look inappropriate or cause discomfort, while implants that are too small may not provide the desired change. The surgeon can help estimate the most appropriate size based on breast width, body height, shoulder width, and also considering the patient’s lifestyle and physical activities.

2. Shape of implants and breast augmentation

Implants are available in a variety of shapes, most commonly in a round or anatomical (droplet) shape. Round implants usually provide a fuller appearance to the upper breasts, which may be desirable for women seeking more prominent breasts. Anatomical implants, on the other hand, are shaped similar to the natural profile of the breast and are often preferred for their ability to provide a more natural appearance.


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Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa MUDr. Ján Mráz (@doktor_mraz)

Techniques of the procedure

The techniques used for breast augmentation are varied, and each has its own specific benefits and limitations. Deciding on the appropriate technique depends on a number of factors, including the type of implant, the patient’s individual anatomical characteristics, as well as her aesthetic preferences. The most commonly used techniques include:

1. Submuscular implantation (under the muscle)

In the submuscular technique, the implant is placed under the chest muscle. This approach may be suitable for women with less natural breast tissue, as the muscle provides an additional layer over the implant, reducing the visibility and sensation of the implant.

Submuscular implantation may also reduce the likelihood of capsular contracture, which is one of the potential complications of augmentation. However, recovery may be longer compared to other techniques, and the procedure may be associated with more postoperative pain.  How does healing after augmentation take place?

2. Subglandular implantation (above the muscle)

In the subglandular technique, the implant is placed directly under the mammary glands and over the pectoral muscle. This approach can provide a more natural appearance in women who already have a certain amount of breast tissue that may be covered by the implant. Subglandular implantation usually allows for a shorter and less painful healing process than the submuscular technique. However, capsular contracture may be more likely to occur and implants may be more visible under the skin.

3. Dual-plane technique

The dual-plane technique combines elements of submuscular and subglandular implantation. The implant is partially covered by the chest muscle and partially placed under the glandular tissue. This method offers a balanced approach that reduces the visibility of the implant while allowing for a more natural breast appearance and movement. It is ideal for patients who need more implant support but wish to maintain the naturalness of the breast.

4. Transaxillary augmentation

The Transaxillary technique involves inserting the implant through an incision in the armpit, eliminating the need for an incision in the breast or around the nipple. This is suitable for patients who wish to minimize the visibility of scars on the skin.


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Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa MUDr. Ján Mráz (@doktor_mraz)

Augmentation before and after surgery

When planning a breast augmentation, it is important to consider not only the surgical procedure itself, but also thorough preparation before surgery and care afterwards.

Preparation for surgery

Preparation for breast augmentation begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss all aspects of the procedure. During this phase, it is important to provide the surgeon with complete medical information, including a history of previous surgeries, allergies, medications and supplements taken, as well as lifestyle details that may affect the surgery and healing.

  • Medical tests: the surgeon may recommend various pre-operative tests such as blood tests, mammograms or ECGs to ensure that the patient is in a suitable state of health for surgery.
  • Taking medicines: occasionally it is necessary to stop taking medicines that could increase the risk of bleeding.

Preparing the home: It is also important to prepare the home environment for a comfortable recovery, for example, by making sure things are easily accessible.

Post-surgery care – recovery after augmentation

After breast augmentation, the recovery process is crucial to the success of the overall outcome. The surgeon will provide post-operative care instructions that must be strictly followed. These include:

  • Rest and limitation of activities: Patients should expect to need several days of rest and limitation of physical activity. No heavy lifting or excessive activity for several weeks after surgery.
  • Pain management and wound care: The surgeon will prescribe pain medication and may recommend wearing compression garments to promote healing and the formation of a new breast shape.
  • Monitoring and follow-up visits: It is important to watch for any signs of infection or complications and to see the surgeon regularly for follow-up visits to monitor the progress of recovery.

Risks and side effects of the procedure

Breast augmentation, like any surgical procedure, carries with it certain risks and potential side effects.

  • Infection: the risk of developing an infection at the site of the procedure.
  • Bleeding: the possibility of internal bleeding, which may require further surgery.
  • Changes in breast tenderness: Temporary or permanent decrease in nipple or breast skin tenderness.
  • Capsular contracture: A condition of scarring and hardening of the tissues immediately in contact with the implant surface leading to pain and deformity of the breast.
  • Dissatisfaction with aesthetic results: Problems with the placement, size or shape of implants, which may require additional surgery.
  • Implant deflation or rupture: in rare cases, implants may rupture and deflate, silicone implants may leak.
  • Seroma: An accumulation of fluid around the implant that may require further surgery to remove it.
  • Complications with anesthesia: Allergic reactions, respiratory problems, or other unusual reactions to anesthetics.

Long-term effects: Need for regular examinations and possible future implant replacement.

Current breast implants offer several advantages over their previous versions. The modern approach in the development of these implants and new trends in plastic surgery improve surgical outcomes and increase patient safety and satisfaction. The main benefits of current breast implants include:

  • Natural appearance and feel: Modern silicone implants provide a very natural appearance and feel similar to natural breast tissue.
  • Variety of shapes and sizes: Implants are available in various shapes (round, anatomical), sizes, and profiles, allowing the result to be tailored to the individual needs and anatomy of the patient.
  • Textured surface: Some implants have a textured surface that reduces the risk of capsular contracture (hardening of tissue around the implant) and improves the fixation of the implant in the breast tissue.
  • Longer lifespan and durability: Modern implants are designed to last longer and are more resistant to damage and leakage. Manufacturers often offer long-term warranties and quality monitoring.
  • Lower risk of complications: Advances in technology and materials reduce the risk of complications, such as implant rupture, infections, and capsular contracture.
  • Improved surgical techniques: Modern implants allow for the use of less invasive surgical techniques, which can lead to shorter recovery times and less discomfort after surgery.
  • Personalized approach: The variety of implant options allows doctors to tailor the surgery to the specific needs of each patient, whether for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or for cosmetic augmentation.
  • Safety certificates and approvals: Many modern implants are approved by strict regulatory bodies, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the USA, ensuring their safety and effectiveness.
  • Long-term results: Breast augmentation is a procedure with long-term effects on the aesthetics and function of the breasts. When deciding on this procedure, it is important to consider not only the short-term results but also how the implants and breasts may change over time.

Implant durability: Implants are not designed as a permanent solution and usually require revision or replacement after 10 to 15 years. This period may be shorter or longer depending on the type of implant, its quality, and individual body reactions. Regular medical check-ups are necessary to monitor the condition of the implants and address any changes or complications such as leaks or ruptures.

Aesthetic changes

As you age, with weight changes or hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause, changes in the appearance and feel of the breasts may occur. These natural processes can affect the shape and firmness of the breasts, which may require additional surgical procedures to adjust the results, such as breast lifts or implant replacements.

Need for additional procedures after augmentation

Even though modern implants and techniques reduce the risk of complications, certain situations, such as capsular contracture or unsatisfactory aesthetic results, may require additional surgical procedures. These revision surgeries may be necessary to improve the comfort, function, or aesthetics of the breasts.

Psychological and emotional effects

Many women experience a significant increase in self-confidence and satisfaction with their body image after breast augmentation. Their new body brings them a sense of joy and satisfaction.

Financing and insurance for breast surgery

Breast augmentation costs range from several thousand euros, but prices may be higher in the case of more complex procedures or when special techniques or materials are required. Some plastic surgery clinics also offer the option of breast surgery on installments, which many patients appreciate.


A consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential before the breast augmentation procedure. This step is important not only for gathering health information but also for setting proper expectations and clearly explaining the process. Let’s go over what such a consultation should include:

Assessment of health status

The plastic surgeon will review your medical record and history. They will ask about previous surgeries, chronic illnesses, allergies, and medications you are taking. This is crucial to determine suitability for the surgery and to identify potential risks.

Aesthetic goals

This is your opportunity to express the results you expect from the surgery. The surgeon will present options regarding the size, shape, and type of implants and discuss various techniques that can be used to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Surgery process

The surgeon should describe in detail how the surgery will proceed, how long it will take, and what to expect during recovery. You will also receive information on how to care for yourself after the surgery, how to manage pain, and how long it will take to return to normal life.

Breast augmentation: discussion of concerns

It is important that you have enough space to ask any questions and express your concerns. You should leave with a clear understanding of all aspects of the procedure.

Setting realistic expectations

The key to satisfaction with the results is to have realistic expectations. The surgeon is honest about what can be achieved considering your specific situation and body conditions. Properly setting expectations is the foundation for your satisfaction with the outcome of the surgery.


How long does it take to recover after breast augmentation?
Recovery after breast augmentation varies depending on the individual and the technique used, but most patients can expect to return to light daily activities within one to two weeks. Full physical activity, including exercise, can usually be resumed within six weeks.

Are the results of breast augmentation permanent?
Breast augmentation and its results are not considered permanent, as breasts can change over time due to aging, weight changes, or hormonal changes. Implants typically require replacement or adjustment after several years. However, many patients experience long-term results they are satisfied with without the need for additional surgery.

What are the main risks associated with breast augmentation?
The main risks of breast augmentation include infections, bleeding, changes in breast sensitivity, the possibility of capsular contracture, as well as the potential for deflation or rupture of the implants. These risks are usually low, but it is important to discuss them thoroughly with your surgeon before the surgery.

Book your consultation today.
Ideally, all questions regarding plastic surgery augmentation should be resolved in person. You can also find out how to prepare for a consultation with a plastic surgeon on our blog.

Contact me by email: mrazplastickachirurgia@gmail.com / info@doktormraz.sk or by phone +421 918 792 651.
